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The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has banned a researcher from publishing in the journal for three years, Retraction Watch reports.

The ban comes after Jianghan University's Zhangfeng Hu, the last and corresponding author of a PNAS study that describes a new class of transcription factors, declined to share a strain of algae that was used in the work, it adds. May Berenbaum from PNAS tells Retraction Watch that the journal received a message from a researcher who tried to obtain the algal strain from Hu but was unable to, even after the journal interceded. Berenbaum tells it that that this violates PNAS policy on sharing.

The PNAS paper now has an editorial expression of concern noting that the authors have not shared their mutant strain. "PNAS authors must ensure that all unique reagents described in their published papers are available to qualified researchers, and any restrictions on the sharing of materials must be disclosed to the editorial office at the time of submission," the expression of concern adds.