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Scientific Sharing

Efforts like ResearchGate are altering how scientists shape their research, the New York Times reports. ResearchGate is a social media and networking site for researchers that aims to increase sharing amongst scientists as well as foster collaborations and communication.

The Times notes that the University of Limerick's Calvin Coffey relied on his connections at the site to refine his paper arguing that the mesentery — the tissue that connects the intestines to the abdomen — is an organ for advice and suggestions. "It's real-time feedback from people who are experts in this field," he tells the Times.

Likewise, the University of Maryland's Upal Mahbub has turned to his network there to help find ways to make mobile devices more secure, something he says then led another researcher to contact him to used his code in another project.

And this, the Times adds, has led the social network to raise $52.6 million from investors. 

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