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Push for Preprints

A proposal to create a repository for life science preprints has some researchers wondering why one is necessary, as Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory started bioRxiv back in 2013, ScienceInsider reports.

ASAPbio, a researcher-organized group that promotes preprints, has called for the development of a "'one-stop shop' for all life-sciences preprints," Nature News adds, and has garnered endorsements from a number of scientific funders, including the US National Institutes of Health, the UK Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, and more. Together, they've developed a set of principles for the proposed repository that say it should have community support, meet scholarly standards, and be free to use, among other features.

But a number of researchers have pointed out on Twitter and elsewhere that bioRxiv fills this niche, ScienceInsider notes.

The director of ASAPbio, Jessica Polka, tells ScienceInsider that bioRxiv could respond to the group's call for applications to become this central service.

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