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The Leitrim County Council in Ireland is instituting DNA testing for dog poop that is not picked up by pet owners, RTÉ reports.

The local animal warden, it adds, will take samples from the offending feces to match to DNA obtained from saliva samples of local dogs. RTÉ notes that dog owners first will be asked to cooperate with the new program, but could receive a notice compelling them to do so, and those who voluntarily take part will not be fined for a first offense.

"In addition to dog waste being unsightly, it also poses a risk to health as it can contain bacteria such as E. coli and parasites such as roundworm, the larvae of which can cause loss of vision," the Leitrim County Council says in a statement, according to The Journal.

Apartment complexes and towns in the US have similarly explored the use of DNA testing to stamp out unpicked-up dog waste.