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New Wrinkle in the Case

Ohio State University's Carlo Croce might be looking for a new attorney, Retraction Watch reports.

In 2017, the New York Times reported that Croce was facing new allegations of research misconduct. The earlier allegations, it noted, led to investigations, but that those cases were close. The new ones, though, led to a number of editors' notes, corrections, and retractions, but Ohio State did not formally find that any scientific misconduct or fraud occurred. Croce then sued the Times, though the case was later largely dismissed.

Last year, Retraction Watch reported that Croce was forced out from his position as departmental chair. In an ensuing lawsuit, Croce's lawyers argued that OSU didn't follow proper procedures when they removed him from that position. In particular, they said the dean of the College of Medicine did not consult with the faculty.

Now, it further reports that the case has appeared to reach the deposition stage, but that Croce's lawyers have petitioned to be removed from the case.