A University of Michigan team presents its new Genomic Knowledgebase (GenomicKB) in Nucleic Acids Research this week. This graph database combines data from 30 consortia, including from ENCODE, GENCODE, Genotype-Tissue Expression project, and NCBI dbVar, and encompasses 347 million nodes, 1.36 billion edges and 3.9 billion node/edge properties. GenomicKB further has a web-based portal where scientists may submit intuitive graph-based inquiries, such as: find "two genes which are both related to signal transduction, located on the same chromosome, and form ligand-receptor pairs," according to the developers. "With this portal, GenomicKB is capable of answering human genomics-related questions and conducting multi-modal analysis with a coding-free and interactive queries," the Michigan team adds. "Therefore, we expect that GenomicKB can attract researchers with diverse backgrounds and promote open science in genomic research."
New Genomic Knowledgebase Combines Data From 30 Consortia
Nov 02, 2022
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