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New Digs for New York Stem Cell Foundation

The New York Stem Cell Foundation has signed a new, 20-year lease on a 42,000-square-foot space in Manhattan, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The 10-year-old foundation has been focusing on developing robotic tools to aid in the production of stem cell from patients' skin or blood samples. The Journal notes that their new space will include laboratories, offices, and common areas. It will also be able to house double the nonprofit's current staff, and has large freight elevators.

"Our robots are big, so we needed the elevators," Susan Solomon, the foundation's chief executive tells the WSJ.

She adds that being able to afford the rent was a worry. "I almost despaired about finding all this in Manhattan," she says.

In the end, the Journal reports, the foundation homed in on a new space on W 54th Street, near the river.