A number of researchers working in genomics and related fields are among the newly announced members of the US National Academy of Sciences. Eighty-four new members and 21 foreign associates have been elected, the academy has announced.
Among the newly elected is MIT's David Sabatini, who studies how growth and metabolism are regulated in mammals, Stephen Young, a cardiologist and molecular geneticist at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Johns Hopkins' Kenneth Kinzler, who studies cancer genetics. Peter Jones, the chief scientific officer of the Van Andel Research Institute who studies the role of epigenomics in cancer, has also been elected.
Other new members include the University of California, San Francisco's Joseph DeRisi, Harvard University's Hopi Hoekstra, and Bonnie Bartel from Rice University.
And new foreign associates include the University of Edinburgh's Adrian Bird, the Scripps Research Institute's Ian Wilson, and Stephen West at the Francis Crick Institute.