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May Enforce

Moderna may begin to enforce its SARS-CoV-2 vaccine patents in wealthy nations, the Wall Street Journal reports.

It notes that in 2020, the company said that it would not enforce its vaccine patents during the pandemic, but that it has now shifted that stance to say it would not enforce its vaccine patents in about 90 middle- or low-income countries. This, the Journal says, leaves the door open to enforcing them in wealthier nations.

"If people have used, or are using our technology to make a vaccine, I don't understand why, once we're in an endemic setting when there's plenty of vaccine and there's no issue to supply vaccines, why we should not get rewarded for the things we invented," Stéphane Bancel, the Moderna CEO, tells the Journal.

According to the Journal, Moderna says it is willing to license its patents to higher-income nations, but adds that Bancel declined to say if or when Moderna might start enforcing its patents.

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