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Of Many Minds

Canadians are divided on genetically modified food, the Ottawa Citizen reports.

A survey conducted by Dalhousie University found that while most Canadians — 56.3 percent — think genetically modified food is thoroughly tested before reaching dinner plates, about a third of Canadians think it isn't safe to eat, the Citizen adds. Forty-four percent of respondents also said the health effects of GMO food are not fully understood. The survey queried 1,049 Canadians about genetic engineering of food.

In addition, most Canadians said they were unsure as to whether they'd ever bought or eaten GMO food, Global News says. The Citizen points out that about 90 percent of Canadian crops are genetically modified and that between 75 percent and 85 percent of food for sale contains at least one modified ingredient.

This, Global News says, suggests there is confusion among Canadians about GMO food. "I think more people are hoping for more transparency while being reassured by science," lead author Sylvain Charlebois tells Global News. He tells the Citizen that though the science on the safety of GMO food is clear, it should still be labeled to give consumers choice.