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Laureate Endorsement

In a letter, 70 Nobel Prize-winners endorse Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate, for president of the United States, the New York Times reports.

The laureates write that the "election will have profound consequences for the future of our country and the world," according to an image of the letter CNN's Betsy Klein posted to Twitter.

The laureates further note that "[s]ome of the most pressing problems that the new President will face — the devastating effects of debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer, the need for alternative sources of energy, and climate change and its consequences — require vigorous support for science and technology and the assurance that scientific knowledge will inform public policy." Because of that, they argue that that US needs a president who will support science and technology.

The Times points out that the letter makes no mention of Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, but it adds that he has called climate change a 'hoax' put on by China. It also notes that laureates in the past have backed other Democratic candidates, including President Barack Obama.

The letter's signatories include David Baltimore, Carol Greider, Harold Varmus, and James Watson, among others.