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Korean Team Presents ClinPharmSeq Clinical Pharmacogenomics Panel

In PLOS One, researchers from Macrogen, the Asian Genome Center, and the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital outline a targeted sequencing panel centered on dozens of genes implicated in pharmacogenetic (PGx) phenotypes — an approach aimed at "balance between low cost, high throughput, and deep coverage to overcome some of the challenges related to accurate detection of complex PGx polymorphism[s] including [structural variants]." The team applied its 59-gene ClinPharmSeq panel to 64 Coriell samples, collected from ancestrally diverse individuals, unearthing pharmacogenomics-related alleles that lined up with those identified using whole-genome sequencing or other approaches. "Altogether, these results demonstrate that the ClinPharmSeq platform offers a feasible path for broad implementation of PGx testing and optimization of individual drug treatments," the authors write.