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Home Is Where the Bow Tie Is

Bill Nye, known for his science educational program Bill Nye the Science Guy that aired in the 1990s, shows off his Chelsea apartment and its shiny toys to the New York Times' real estate section.

Those toys, the Times notes, include copper and aluminum Eddy current tubes and a miniature Stirling engine, which can be used for impromptu science education sessions, as well as a prized Geochron that hangs on the wall and a Mova globe.

"I sure prefer it to many pieces of art," Nye says, referring to the Geochron. "I think part of it is that it lights up. My friends make fun of me and call me Shiny Object Man." 

His iconic bowties, though, hang on a multi-tiered hanger as a dowel he'd been using fell off the wall, the Times adds. "This is the current state of the art," Nye says. "It's an issue, an unresolved issue."