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The World Health Organization team tasked with exploring the origins of SARS-CoV-2 has completed its two-week quarantine in China, the Guardian reports.

The dozen-member team arrived in Wuhan earlier this month, following some difficulties getting the proper travel authorizations. As the WHO previously said, the team aims to collect samples from people and animals in the region for testing. Experts suspect that the virus may have originated in bats and spent time in another animal before beginning to infect people. As the Associated Press writes, Wuhan was where the first COVID-19 cases were detected, but it's likely the virus causing the disease came from elsewhere, noting that bats harboring a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2 were found in a mine 1,000 miles away, near China's border with Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. 

Still, the AP adds that the WHO team could glean insight into how the virus came to infect people by examining viral sequences from Wuhan. It notes that the team's itinerary has not been released, but says it is likely they will visit the Huanan Seafood Market, an outbreak site, as well as hospitals that treated early patients, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and the local branch of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

How much access the WHO team will have is unclear, the AP notes. The Guardian adds that China opposed an independent investigation and has sought to avoid being blamed for the pandemic.