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Dozens of Nobel Laureates Endorse Biden

More than 80 Nobel Prize laureates have endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for president, CNN reports.

According to CNN, the laureates, who had won in chemistry, medicine, and physics, write in a letter that the Democratic candidate for president has shown a "willingness to listen to experts" and a "deep appreciation for using science to find solutions." 

"Now more than ever, our country needs elected leaders who make decisions based on science," Elizabeth Blackburn, one of the signatories who won the 2009 Nobel Prize in medicine for her work on telomeres, tells CNN. She adds that she is endorsing Biden as "he'll listen to the scientific and medical community to create solutions that will finally get us out of this deadly pandemic and improve the health of the American people."

Biden's plan to combat COVID-19, CNN reports, includes free testing, a national contact tracing program, and a public mask mandate, as well as policies to help businesses and schools to reopen.

Other letter signatories include David Baltimore, Paul Berg, Carol Greider, Lee Hartwell, and Harold Varmus. The letter was organized in part by Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.), CNN notes.