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Coyote Captured

A coyote linked by DNA evidence to a spate of attacks in the Bay Area has been captured and killed, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

It adds that the first coyote attack occurred in July, with four additional attacks — including one of a three-year-old girl walking with a parent — tied to the same coyote. The most recent attack was last month, NBC Bay Area adds. As the Chronicle previously reported, California Fish and Wildlife officials collected DNA from the victims' bites for analysis to find one animal was responsible.

"They managed to isolate DNA from the microscopic traces of saliva right where the teeth penetrated the pants," Patrick Foy, a wildlife official, tells NBC Bay Area, referring to the most recent attack. "Sure enough they managed to come back with a coyote DNA profile that matched the attacking animal in the prior four incidents."

The Chronicle now reports that the male coyote responsible for the bite attacks has been trapped and killed. Veterinary staff at the University of California, Davis, will be conducting a standard test of the animals' remains for rabies, though the Chronicle notes there is no indication the coyote was infected.