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Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Identifies Targeted Therapies for Advanced Cancer Patients

In a new prospective, observational study in JAMA Network Open, a Kyoto University Hospital-led team reports that comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) could guide treatments for patients with chemotherapy-naïve advanced solid cancers. In Japan, the researchers say CPG is currently limited to patients with advanced solid tumors who have completed standard treatment or patients with rare cancers without standard treatments. They add that more evidence is needed to resolve the clinical utility of CGP before standard of care (SOC) treatment.  For their study, the researchers performed CGP using FoundationOne's CDx test for 180 patients across six Japanese hospitals with previously untreated metastatic or recurrent cancers in the gastrointestinal or biliary tract, pancreas, lung, breast, uterus, or ovary, and malignant melanoma. They identified actionable alterations in all patients, druggable cancer genomic alterations in 63.4 percent, and molecular-based recommended therapy options were identified for 61 percent of patients included in the final analysis. "The present findings suggest that CGP before the SOC could provide an opportunity for receiving potentially effective treatments," the authors write.