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For Better Eating

While most people could stand to eat more healthfully, Bloomberg reports that David Leung was inspired to make changes to his diet following a genetic test that showed he was at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Because of its findings, he tells Bloomberg that he's been eating less rice and more fish.

These days, Bloomberg says people are interested in genetic testing not to learn if they have a risk of cancer, but to see what exercise routine or diet might be best for them. It notes that companies like FitnessGenes, DNAFit, Orig3n, and Nutrigenomix are offering genetic tests to gauge consumers' endurance capabilities, muscle mass, or metabolism. Bloomberg notes that this market is expected to grow from $70.2 million in 2015 to $340 million in 2022.

Researchers warn, though, that interpreting genetic tests and predicting someone's risk is still in its infancy. "It is important to recognize that while the allure of genetics and the weight of scientific authority that comes with it is promising, results still need to be made sense of in light of each person's life," Jacqueline Savard, a postdoc in health ethics at the University of Sydney, tells Bloomberg. "The 'answers' received are rarely final, but instead form part of an evolving story."

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