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Aiming for May

Novavax CEO Stanley Erck says its SARS-CoV-2 vaccine could receive authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration by May, CNBC reports.

In January, Novavax announced that its vaccine had nearly a 90 percent efficacy rate in preventing COVID-19 in early data from its UK trial. In particular, it reported that its vaccine had a 95.6 percent efficacy rate against the original viral strain and 85.6 percent efficacy rate against the B.1.1.7 variant found in the UK, but a lower, 49.4 percent, efficacy rate against the B.1.351 variant identified in South Africa.

Erck tells CNBC that Novavax's US trial of 30,000 people is ongoing, but that it hopes to use data from its UK trial in its Emergency Use Authorization application to US regulators. If allowed, Erck says the FDA could review that application in May. Reuters notes that the company is in talks with the FDA and if data from the US trial needs to be included that timeline could be pushed back to July. 

The UK trial is to wrap up in the coming weeks, Reuters adds, and CNBC notes Novavax expects UK regulators to review the vaccine in April.