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Parse Bio Partners With Hamilton, Opentrons Labworks, SPT Labtech to Automate Single-Cell Workflows

NEW YORK – Parse Biosciences said Wednesday that it is collaborating with Hamilton, Opentrons Labworks, and SPT Labtech to integrate its single-cell workflows on their liquid-handling platforms.

Financial details and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Parse disclosed the partnerships alongside the launch of its laboratory automation provider program, which aims to help scale up the company's workflows for high-throughput sample fixation, single cell barcoding, and library preparation.

As key collaborators in the program, Hamilton, Opentrons, and SPT Labtech will independently collaborate with Parse to automate its Evercode Whole Transcriptome and Whole Transcriptome Mega workflows on their liquid-handling platforms. These customized scripts will allow users to purchase application-ready instruments and empower existing users to more easily adapt Parse workflows in their labs, the company noted.

"Parse is focused on providing complete, end-to-end solutions at unprecedented scale. By joining with some of the industry's top automation providers, we are giving customers more extensive choices," Parse Cofounder and CEO Alex Rosenberg said in a statement. "This approach is fundamental to our core belief that single-cell RNA sequencing provides valuable insights that should be available to all scientists, whether they're in basic research or in a high-throughput drug development environment."