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Qiagen, Gilson Partner on Nucleic Acid Sample Prep Reproducibility

NEW YORK – Qiagen and Gilson have entered into a strategic partnership intended to provide researchers with the ability to limit operator-independent variation in manual nucleic acid extraction results and improve workflow traceability.

The partners will specifically integrate Gilson's Trackman Connected digital bench tools and Qiagen's manual nucleic acid extraction kits to create consistency between collaborators, increase confidence in their execution of extraction protocols, and improve traceability at the bench, Gilson said.

Gilson's Trackman platform assists and records the execution of each protocol and reports the outcome automatically, facilitating troubleshooting and sharing. In addition, data collected from each execution of the workflow will help researchers identify accidental deviations in their protocols and make it easier to analyze the cause of variation.

"Qiagen is always striving to further improve the usability of our products. The unique combination of the Trackman Connected platform and validated Qiagen protocols will increase reliability and traceability in daily laboratory work," Gabriele Christoffel, associate director, sample technologies begun developing validated protocols for the Trackman platform.

Qiagen and Gilson will begin an early-access program for the combined platform in the third quarter.