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Arcis, Opentrons Sign Sample Prep Product Distribution Deal

NEW YORK — Arcis Biotechnology said today that it has signed a global distribution agreement for its nucleic acid sample prep products with Opentrons.

Under the terms of the deal, New York City-based Opentrons will offer Arcis' line of nucleic acid extraction and preservation products with its automated OT-2 lab robot platform to customers worldwide. Additional terms were not disclosed.

"Arcis' reagent-only solution is a compelling offering for biologists, but when you automate that protocol, it offers a high-throughput sample preparation workflow for every molecular biology laboratory," Opentrons Cofounder and Chief Product Officer Will Canine said in a statement.

Earlier this year, UK-based Arcis inked a comarketing deal for its sample prep reagents with Andrew Alliance. In late 2018, it signed an agreement giving Teleflex the right to use the chemistry to develop a diagnostic assay.