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Two Research Groups Join Thermo Fisher's RNAi Global Initiative

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Thermo Fisher Scientific today said that two research institutions have joined the firm's RNAi Global Initiative, bringing the total number of members to 37.

The two new members are the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute and the University of Leiden – The Netherlands.

Members of the initiative, which began in 2005, use products sold by Thermo Fisher's Dharmacon business. The members share information and develop common research standards to advance the productivity of RNAi gene-silencing techniques.

"As part of the RNAi Global Initiative, we hope to plug into a vibrant community of like-minded people with varied expertise and that as a group we will be able to achieve more than we can individually," David Stojdl, who works in the Apoptosis Research Centre at CHEO, said in a statement.