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Rosetta Genomics, Moffitt Cancer Center to Collaborate on microRNA Cancer Diagnostics

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Molecular diagnostics firm Rosetta Genomics announced today that it has formed a three-year collaboration with the Moffitt Cancer Center to discover, develop, and commercialize a range of microRNA-based cancer tests.

The alliance combines Rosetta's expertise in developing and commercializing miRNA diagnostics with Moffitt's network of medical oncologists and pathologists, and will focus specifically on areas of unmet medical need.

Rosetta said it has agreed to fund research conducted by Moffitt investigators that aligns with its strategic focus. The company currently has four miRNA diagnostics on the market including ones for lung cancer, kidney cancer, mesothelioma, and determining the source of tumors of unknown origin.

Additional terms of the collaboration were not disclosed.