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IP Update: Recent Patents Awarded to Tekmira, Quark, and More


Title: Lipid-containing Formulations

Patent Number: 8,642,076

Filed: Aug. 16, 2011

Lead Inventor: Muthiah Manoharan, Tekmira Pharmaceuticals (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals)

Title: Therapeutic Uses of Inhibitors of RTP801

Patent Number: 8,642,571

Filed: Aug. 31, 2012

Lead Inventor: Elena Feinstein, Quark Pharmaceuticals

Title: microRNA Inhibitors Comprising Locked Nucleotides

Patent Number: 8,642,751

Filed: Dec. 15, 2011

Lead Inventor: Christina Dalby, Miragen Therapeutics

Title: Detection of RNA in Tissue Samples

Patent Number: 8,644,580

Filed: Aug. 7, 2009

Inventor: David Lynch, Cambridge Research & Instrumentation