Title: MADS Gene Regulatory Sequences for Expressing Gene Products in Plant Reproductive Tissue
Patent Number: 8,679,844
Filed: Oct. 28, 2011
Lead Inventor: Michael Nuccio, Syngenta
Title: RNA Interference for the Treatment of Gain-of-function Disorders
Patent Number: 8,680,063
Filed: Dec. 13, 2010
Lead Inventor: Neil Aronin, University of Massachusetts
Title: shRNA Gene Therapy for Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease
Patent Number: 8,680,064
Filed: Sept. 15, 2009
Lead Inventor: Joseph Wu, Stanford University
Title: Methods for Producing Inducible and/or Repressible Expression Active Linear RNA Interference Cassettes and Inducible and/or Repressible Expression Active Linear Gene Cassettes and Their Use
Patent Number: 8,680,256
Filed: May 25, 2009
Inventor: Khalid Abu Khabar, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center
Title: Use of microRNAs to Control Virus Helper Nucleic Acids
Patent Number: 8,680,258
Filed: Nov. 25, 2009
Lead Inventor: Vernon Coffield, Alphavax
Title: Compositions of a Peptide Targeting System for Treating Cancer
Patent Number: 8,680,045
Filed: Nov. 1, 2011
Lead Inventor: Thomas Primiano, PeptiMed
Title: Targeting microRNAs for the Treatment of Cancer
Patent Number: 8,680,067
Filed: May 25, 2012
Lead Inventor: Frank Bennett, Regulus Therapeutics