Title: Construction of Protein-responsive shRNA/RNAi Control System Using RNP Motif
Patent Number: 8,871,437
Filed: Dec. 9, 2009
Lead Inventor: Tan Inoue, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Title: Nanoparticle-based Gene Delivery Systems
Patent Number: 8,871,509
Filed: March 18, 2010
Lead Inventor: Min Su Han, Chung-Ang University
Title: Chemical Modification of Short Small Hairpin RNAs for Inhibition of Gene Expression
Patent Number: 8,871,730
Filed: July 13, 2010
Lead Inventor: Qing Ge, SomaGenics
Title: RNAi Therapeutic for Treatment of Hepatitis C Infection
Patent Number: 8,871,919
Filed: Oct. 2, 2012
Inventor: Hengli Tang, Florida State University
Title: Enhanced Transgene Expression by Co-expression with a Suppressor of Post-transcriptional Gene Silencing
Patent Number: 8,871,997
Filed: Nov. 20, 2006
Lead Inventor: David Baulcombe, University of Cambridge (Plant Bioscience Limited)
Title: Compositions and Methods for Insecticidal Control of Stinkbugs
Patent Number: 8,872,001
Filed: June 3, 2011
Lead Inventor: Karen Broglie, Pioneer Hi-Bred