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IP Update: Recent Patents Awarded to Regulus, Rutgers, Monsanto, and More


Title: Oligomeric Compounds and Compositions for Use in Modulation of Small, Non-coding RNAs

Patent Number: 8,697,663

Filed: Dec. 30, 2008

Lead Inventor: Frank Bennett, Regulus Therapeutics

Title: Cyclodextrin-modified Polyamines for Delivery of Therapeutics Molecules

Patent Number: 8,697,667

Filed: Oct. 11, 2011

Lead Inventor: Ki-Bum Lee, Rutgers University

Title: miRNA-regulated Differentiation-dependent Self-delecting Cassette

Patent Number: 8,697,851

Filed: Dec. 3, 2012

Lead Inventor: David Frendewey, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

Title: microRNA and Methods for Inhibiting the Same

Patent Number: 8,697,859

Filed: Jan. 18, 2013

Lead Inventor: Markus Stoffel, Rockefeller University

Title: Temporal Regulation of Gene Expression by microRNAs

Patent Number: 8,697,949

Filed: June 26, 2008

Lead Inventor: Edwards Allen, Monsanto