Title: Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancers with microRNA Located in or Near Cancer-associated Chromosomal Features
Patent Number: 8,778,676
Filed: Aug. 21, 2013
Lead Inventor: Carlo Croce, Ohio State University (Microlin Bio)
Title: RNA Interference-mediating Small RNA Molecules
Patent Number: 8,778,902
Filed: July 13, 2010
Lead Inventor: Thomas Tuschl, Max Planck Institute
Title: Methods and Compositions for Treating Disease, Disorders, or Injury of the CNS
Patent Number: 8,778,904
Filed: Dec. 9, 2010
Lead Inventor: Elena Feinstein, Quark Pharmaceuticals
Title: Group of Nucleic Acid Fragments for Prevention of HIV Infection or AIDS and the Usage Thereof
Patent Number: 8,779,113
Filed: Jan. 10, 2011
Lead Inventor: Zhuwen Zhou, Beijing Solobio Genetechnology
Title: siRNA Conjugate and Preparation Method Thereof
Patent Number: 8,779,114
Filed: May 13, 2010
Lead Inventor: Bo Ram Han, Bioneer
Title: Short Hairpin RNAs for Inhibition of Gene Expression
Patent Number: 8,779,115
Filed: Aug. 22, 2012
Lead Inventor: Qing Ge, Somagenics
Title: siRNA-mediated Gene Silencing
Patent Number: 8,779,116
Filed: Nov. 5, 2012
Lead Inventor: Beverly Davidson, University of Iowa
Title: Gene Silencing
Patent Number: 8,779,236
Filed: July 23, 2009
Lead Inventor: David Baulcombe, Plant Bioscience