Title: Methods for Diagnosing Prostate Cancer using microRNAs
Patent Number: 8,557,520
Filed: Feb. 28, 2012
Lead Inventor: Carlo Croce, Ohio State University
The invention, the patent's abstract states, "provides novel methods and compositions for the diagnosis and treatment of solid cancers. The invention also provides methods of identifying inhibitors of tumorigenesis."
Title: In Vivo Production of Small Interfering RNAs that Mediate Gene Silencing
Patent Number: 8,557,785
Filed: March 23, 2010
Lead Inventor: Phillip Zamore, University of Massachusetts
The invention, the patent's abstract states, provides "engineered RNA precursors that when expressed in a cell are processed by the cell to produce targeted small interfering RNAs that selectively silence targeted genes using the cell's own RNA interference pathway. By introducing nucleic acid molecules that encode these engineered RNA precursors into cells in vivo with appropriate regulatory sequences, expression of the engineered RNA precursors can be selectively controlled both temporally and spatially."
Title: Methods and Sequences to Suppress Primate Huntington Gene Expression
Patent Number: 8,557,975
Filed: Aug. 31, 2012
Lead Inventor: William Kaemmerer, Medtronic
The invention comprises "sequences, molecules, and methods used to suppress the expression of [Huntington's disease] genes encoding for huntingtin protein in primates including Macaca mulatto and Homo sapiens. These sequences, molecules, and methods aid in the study of the pathogenesis of [Huntington's disease] and can also provide a treatment for this disease."