Title: Composition for Nucleic Acid Delivery Using Metal Nanoparticles and Preparing Method Thereof
Patent Number: 8,747,903
Filed: March 27, 2012
Lead Inventor: Sei Kwang Hahn, Postech Academy-Industry Foundation
Title: RNA-containing Modified Nucleosides and Methods of Use Thereof
Patent Number: 8,748,089
Filed: March 15, 2013
Lead Inventor: Katalin Kariko, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Compositions and Methods for Diagnosing and Treatment Melanoma
Patent Number: 8,748,098
Filed: Aug. 8, 2012
Lead Inventor: Eva Hernando, New York University
Title: Modulation of HSV Infection
Patent Number: 8,748,403
Filed: Jan. 21, 2005
Lead Inventor: Evelyn Kurt-Jones, University of Massachusetts
Title: Methods and Compositions for the Treatment of Cancer or Other Diseases
Patent Number: 8,748,405
Filed: Sept. 9, 2011
Lead Inventor: Hua Yu, City of Hope
Title: Preventative for Adhesion following Abdominal Surgery
Patent Number: 8,748,406
Filed: June 29, 2012
Lead Inventor: Takashi Muramatsu, Medical Therapies Limited
Title: siRNA for Inhibition of OTUB1 Expression and Pharmaceutical Composition Containing the Same
Patent Number: 8,748,592
Filed: Feb. 6, 2013
Lead Inventor: Eun Joo Song, Korea Institute of Technology
Title: Low Molecular Weight Cationic Lipids for Oligonucleotide Delivery
Patent Number: 8,748,667
Filed: May 31, 2011
Lead Inventor: Brian Budzik, Merck (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals)
Title: Carrier Nanoparticles and Related Compositions, Methods, and Systems
Patent Number: 8,746,999
Filed: March 28, 2013
Lead Inventor: Mark Davis, California Institute of Technology