Title: Therapeutic Agent for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Patent Number: 8,574,623
Filed: Oct. 10, 2012
Lead Inventor: Yoshiro Niitsu, Nitto Denko
The patent claims a delivery carrier containing a retinoid-targeting agent designed to carry therapeutic agents to extracellular matrix-producing cells in the lung. It also claims the use of an siRNA targeting heat shock protein 47 to treat pulmonary fibrosis.
Title: Methods and Kits for miRNA Isolation and Quantitation
Patent Number: 8,574,838
Filed: July 14, 2011
Lead Inventor: Chunxiang Zhang, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
The invention comprises "a kit and method for isolating and quantitating miRNA and the use of such methods in the diagnosis and prognosis of disease," according to the patent's abstract.
Title: Conserved HBV and HCV Sequences Useful for Gene Silencing
Patent Number: 8,575,327
Filed: Dec. 12, 2005
Lead Inventor: Catherine Pachuk, Nucleonics (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals)
The patent claims "conserved consensus sequences from known hepatitis B virus strains and known hepatitis C virus strains, which are useful in inhibiting the expression of the viruses in mammalian cells," according to its abstract. "These sequences are useful to silence the genes of HBV and HCV, thereby providing therapeutic utility against HBV and HCV viral infection in humans."
Title: Formicidae Control Using Double-stranded RNA Constructs
Patent Number: 8,575,328
Filed: Dec. 13, 2011
Lead Inventor: Robert Vander Meer, US Department of Agriculture
The invention, the patent's abstract states, comprises "a dsRNA construct that relates to a method to control Formicidae via double-stranded RNA interference of the PBAN/Pyrokinin gene."
Title: siRNA Targeting Kinase Insert Domain Receptor
Patent Number: 8,575,329
Filed: June 15, 2012
Lead Inventor: Anastasia Khvorova, Dharmacon (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
"Efficient sequence-specific gene silencing is possible through the use of siRNA technology," the patent's abstract states. "By selecting particular siRNAs by rational design, one can maximize the generation of an effective gene-silencing reagent, as well as methods for silencing genes. Methods, compositions, and kits generated through rational design of siRNAs are disclosed including those directed to nucleotide sequences for KDR."
Title: microRNA-based Short Hairpin RNA for Gene Knockdown of NR1 Subunit N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor and its Application on Pharmaceutics
Patent Number: 8,575,330
Filed: July 10, 2012
Inventor: Ping-Heng Tan, I-Shou University
The invention, the patent's abstract states, relates to a "microRNA-based short hairpin RNA for gene silencing the genetic expression of NR1 subunit of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor."