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IP Update: Recent Patents Awarded to MIT, Applied Biosystems, and More


Title: System for Targeted Delivery of Therapeutic Agents

Patent Number: 8,709,483

Filed: Sept. 26, 2008

Lead Inventor: Omid Farokhzad, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Title: Treatment of Influenza

Patent Number: 8,710,024

Filed: May 11, 2012

Lead Inventor: Misako Nakazawa, Kyorin Pharmaceutical

Title: miR-204, miR-211, and Their Anti-miRs, and Therapeutic Uses of the Same

Patent Number: 8,710,026

Filed: May 16, 2013

Lead Inventor: Sheldon Miller, US Department of Health and Human Services

Title: Method to Quantify siRNAs, miRNAs, and Polymorphic miRNAs

Patent Number: 8,710,208

Filed: April 26, 2012

Lead Inventor: Ruoying Tan, Applied Biosystems