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IP Update: Recent Patents Awarded to Max Planck, Phigenix, and More


Title: RNA Sequence-specific Mediators of RNA Interference

Patent Number: 8,632,997

Filed: Oct. 4, 2010

Lead Inventor: Thomas Tuschl, Max Planck Institute

Title: dsRNA-induced Specific and Non-specific Immunity in Crustaceans and Other Invertebrates and Biodelivery Vehicles for use Therein

Patent Number: 8,633,028

Filed: July 2, 2004

Lead Inventor: Paul Gross, Medical University of South Carolina

Title: Targeting PAX2 for the Treatment of Breast Cancer

Patent Number: 8,633,149

Filed: May 24, 2011

Inventor: Donald Carlton, Phigenix

Title: siRNA Targeting Histamine Receptor H1

Patent Number: 8,633,306

Filed: Aug. 10, 2011

Lead Inventor: Anastasia Khvorova, Dharmacon (Thermo Fisher Scientific)