Title: Construction of Bifunctional Short Hairpin RNA
Patent Number: 8,758,998
Filed: Feb. 1, 2012
Inventor: Donald Rao, Gradalis
Title: Host Cell Kinases as Targets for Antiviral Therapies against HCV Infection
Patent Number: 8,759,010
Filed: Sept. 8, 2009
Lead Inventor: Thomas Baumert, INSERM
Title: Short RNA Producing Gene Silencing in Cells
Patent Number: 8,759,102
Filed: Dec. 17, 2004
Lead Inventor: David Baulcombe, University of Cambridge (Plant Bioscience Limited)
Title: RNAi for the Control of Insects and Arachnids
Patent Number: 8,759,306
Filed: May 31, 2006
Inventor: Titus Jan Kaletta, Devgen (Syngenta)
Title: RNAi Probes Targeting Cancer-related Proteins
Patent Number: 8,759,308
Filed: July 28, 2010
Lead Inventor: Martin Gleave, University of British Columbia (OncoGenex)
Title: Use of siRNA Targeting SIPA1L1 for the Reduction of Adipogenesis
Patent Number: 8,759,311
Filed: Oct. 1, 2010
Lead Inventor: Diana Hall, Sanofi
Title: Methods and Compositions for Reducing Viral Genome Amounts in a Target Cell
Patent Number: 8,759,312
Filed: June 21, 2012
Lead Inventor: Peter Sarnow, Stanford University (Regulus Therapeutics)
Title: Treatment of Fibrosis using microRNA-19b
Patent Number: 8,759,313
Filed: Aug. 3, 2012
Lead Inventor: Laura Schrum, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital
Title: Modulation of Exon Recognition in Pre-mRNA by Interfering RNA Structure
Patent Number: 8,759,507
Filed: Dec. 22, 2010
Inventor: Judith Van Deutekom, Leiden University Medical Center
Title: Methods for Genetic Control of Insect Infestation in Plants and Compositions Thereof
Patent Number: 8,759,611
Filed: Dec. 20, 2010
Lead Inventor: James Baum, Monsanto