Title: Compositions and Methods for Immunostimulatory RNA Oligonucleotides
Patent Number: 8,815,503
Filed: Sept. 14, 2006
Lead Inventor: Gunther Hartmann, University of Bonn
Title: Use of Regulatory Sequences for Specific, Transient Expression in Neuronal Determined Cells
Patent Number: 8,815,505
Filed: Sept. 30, 2010
Lead Inventor: Sebastien Couillard-Despres, Roche
Title: Modulation of Gene Expression Using Oligomers that Target Gene Regions Downstream of 3' UTR Regions
Patent Number: 8,815,586
Filed: April 23, 2010
Lead Inventor: David Corey, University of Texas
Title: Phagocytic Cell Delivery of RNAi
Patent Number: 8,815,818
Filed: July 17, 2009
Lead Inventor: Dmitry Samarsky, RXi Pharmaceuticals
Title: Antiviral Therapy
Patent Number: 8,815,820
Filed: March 30, 2010
Inventor: Amy Buck, University of Edinburgh
Title: Double-stranded Oligonucleotides
Patent Number: 8,815,821
Filed: Oct. 20, 2011
Inventor: Tod Woolf, Life Technologies
Title: Methods and Compositions for the Specific Inhibition of Beta-catenin by Double-stranded RNA
Patent Number: 8,815,825
Filed: Dec. 18, 2012
Lead Inventor: Bob Brown, Dicerna Pharmaceuticals
Title: Anti-microRNA Oligonucleotide Molecules
Patent Number: 8,816,060
Filed: Nov. 13. 2012
Lead Inventor: Thomas Tuschl, Rockefeller University
Title: Method to Trigger RNA Interference
Patent Number: 8,816,061
Filed: March 14, 2013
Lead Inventor: James Carrington, Oregon State University