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IP Update: Recent Patents Awarded to Dana-Farber, University of Texas, VU University Amsterdam


Title: Methods of Treating Meiotic Kinesin-associated Disease

Patent Number: 8,629,118

Filed: April 7, 2011

Inventor: David Pellman, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Title: Dual Targeting of miR-208 and miR-499 in the Treatment of Cardiac Disorders

Patent Number: 8,629,119

Filed: Feb. 4, 2010

Lead Inventor: Eric Olson, University of Texas (Miragen Therapeutics)

Title: Plant Nucleic Acids Associated with Cellular pH and Uses Thereof

Patent Number: 8,629,258

Filed: June 4, 2009

Lead Inventor: Francesca Quattrocchio, VU University Amsterdam