Title: Alternative Export Pathways for Vector-expressed RNA Interference
Patent Number: 8,691,567
Filed: June 21, 2012
Lead Inventor: Scott Harper, University of Iowa
Title: Lipids and Compositions for Intracellular Delivery of Biologically Active Compounds
Patent Number: 8,691,750
Filed: May 8, 2012
Lead Inventor: Rainer Constien, Axolabs
Title: Compositions for Treating Respiratory Viral Infections and Their Use
Patent Number: 8,691,781
Filed: June 1, 2007
Lead Inventor: Qingquan Tang, Sirnaomics
Title: Compositions and Methods for Non-parenteral Delivery of Oligonucleotides
Patent Number: 8,691,785
Filed: Jan. 7, 2013
Lead Inventor: Ching-Leou Teng, Isis Pharmaceuticals
Title: Methods and Compositions for the Specific Inhibition of Gene Expression by Double-stranded RNA
Patent Number: 8,691,786
Filed: Jan. 24, 2013
Lead Inventor: John Rossi, City of Hope
Title: Delivering Functional Nucleic Acids to Mammalian Cells via Bacterially Derived, Intact Minicells
Patent Number: 8,691,963
Filed: Aug. 25, 2005
Lead Inventor: Himanshu Brahmbhatt, Engeneic Molecular Delivery
Title: Oligonucleotides for Modulating Target RNA Activity
Patent Number: 8,691,965
Filed: June 13, 2008
Inventor: Thorleif Moller, Mirrx Therapeutics
Title: Multiple Promoter Expression Cassettes for Simultaneous Delivery of RNAi Agents
Patent Number: 8,691,967
Filed: Sept. 26, 2012
Lead Inventor: Petrus Roelvink, Benitec
Title: Self-delivering Bio-labile Phosphate Pro-oligos for Oligonucleotide-based Therapeutics and Mediating RNA Interference
Patent Number: 8,691,971
Filed: Sept. 23, 2009
Inventor: Scott Petersen, Traversa Therapeutics (TriPhos Therapeutics)