Title: Treatment of Cancer by Inhibition of IGFBPs and Clusterin
Patent Number: 8,835,401
Filed: May 29, 2013
Inventor: Martin Gleave, University of British Columbia
Title: Expression Cassettes for Seed-specific Expression in Plants
Patent Number: 8,835,622
Filed: Nov. 25, 2009
Lead Inventor: Franck Pinot, Bayer BioScience
Title: RNA Interference-mediated Inhibition of Catenin Beta 1 Gene Expression Using Short Interfering Nucleic Acid
Patent Number: 8,835,623
Filed: Aug. 6, 2013
Lead Inventor: Duncan Brown, Sirna Therapeutics (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals)
Title: microRNA Scaffolds, Non-naturally Occurring microRNAs, and Methods for Optimizing Non-naturally Occurring microRNAs
Patent Number: 8,841,267
Filed: May 22, 2008
Lead Inventor: Melissa Kelley, Dharmacon (GE Healthcare)
Title: Polynucleotides for Use in Treating and Diagnosing Cancers
Patent Number: 8,841,269
Filed: Feb. 23, 2011
Inventor: Gary Xiao, Creighton University
Title: Use of Inhibitors of Zdhhc2 Activity for Modulation of Adipogenesis
Patent Number: 8,841,270
Filed: May 19, 2010
Lead Inventor: Diana Hall, Sanofi
Title: Double-stranded RNA-based Nanoparticles for Insect Gene Silencing
Patent Number: 8,841,272
Filed: May 31, 2012
Lead Inventor: Kun Yan Zhu, Kansas State University
Title: Precursor miRNA Loop-modulated Target Regulation
Patent Number: 8,841,437
Filed: May 28, 2010
Lead Inventor: Chang-Zheng Chen, Stanford University