Title: Compositions and Methods for siRNA Inhibition of Angiogenesis
Patent Number: 8,541,384
Filed: June 8, 2006
Lead Inventor: Michael Tolentino, University of Pennsylvania
The invention, the patent's abstract states, relates to "RNA interference using small interfering RNAs … specific for the vascular endothelial growth factor gene and the VEGF receptor genes Flt-1 and Flk-1/KDR [to] inhibit expression of these genes. Diseases [that] involve antiogenesis stimulated by overexpression of VEGF, such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and many types of cancer, can be treated by administering the small interfering RNAs."
Title: Chemically Modified Oligonucleotides for Use in Modulation of microRNA and Uses Thereof
Patent Number: 8,541,385
Filed: March 1, 2010
Lead Inventor: Markus Stoffel, Rockefeller University (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals)
"This invention relates generally to chemically modified oligonuceotides useful for modulating expression of microRNAs and pre-microRNAs," the patent's abstract states. "More particularly, the invention relates to single-stranded, chemically modified oligonuceotides for inhibiting microRNA and pre-microRNA expression and to methods of making and using the modified oligonucleotides. Also included in the invention are compositions and methods for silencing microRNAs in the central nervous system."
Title: RNAi-mediated Inhibition of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha-related Conditions
Patent Number: 8,541,389
Filed: Feb. 25, 2011
Lead Inventor: John Yanni, Alcon
The invention relates to the use of "RNA interference for the inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-alpha by silencing TNF-alpha cell surface receptor TNF receptor-1 mRNA expression, or by silencing TNF-alpha-converting enzyme mRNA expression," the patent's abstract states. "Silencing such TNF-alpha targets, in particular, is useful for treating patients having a TNF-alpha-related condition or at risk of developing a TNF-alpha-related condition such as the ocular conditions dry eye, allergic conjunctivitis, or ocular inflammation, or such as dermatitis, rhinitis, or asthma."
Title: Treatment of Cancer by Inhibition of IGFBPs and Clusterin
Patent Number: 8,541,390
Filed: May 11, 2012
Inventor: Martin Gleave, University of British Columbia (OncoGenex Technologies)
The invention, the patent's abstract states, relates to "agents that reduce the amount of IGFBP-2 and/or IGFBP-5 and … result in increased expression of the protein clusterin. Since clusterin can provide protection against apoptosis, this secondary effect detracts from the efficacy of the therapeutic agent. In overcoming this, the … invention provides a combination of therapeutic agents that is useful in the treatment of cancer. The combination includes an agent that reduces the amount of IGFBP-2 and/or IGFBP-5 and that stimulates expression of clusterin as a secondary effect, and an oligonucleotide that is effective to reduce the amount of clusterin in cancer cells."
Title: Compositions and Methods Using siRNA Molecules for Treatment of Gliomas
Patent Number: 8,541,568
Filed: March 16, 2011
Lead Inventor: Hai Yan, Duke University (Sirnaomics)
The invention provides "small interfering RNA molecules, compositions containing the molecules, and methods of using the compositions to treat gliomas," the patent's abstract states.