Building a Scalable Precision Medicine Infrastructure: Penn Medicine’s 'Life Lessons'
Are you thinking about establishing a precision medicine program and wondering how to build the right infrastructure? Has your institution put plans in motion to integrate genomic data with traditional clinical data from the EHR for research or clinical purposes? Are you committed to building a scalable precision medicine program but want to avoid the challenges associated with being on the leading edge? Are you struggling to understand the cost/benefit ramifications of running a precision medicine program?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you should attend this live webinar, where Brian Wells, Associate VP of Health Technology and Academic Computing at Penn Medicine, will discuss his experience putting these issues into practice. Penn Medicine has successfully blended millions of patient records and billions of genetic variant data points into a single system that researchers and clinicians alike are accessing on a daily basis to move precision medicine forward.
Attendees will gain insight about how to plan for and build a scalable IT infrastructure that will enable clinicians and researchers to efficiently stratify patients and uncover new biomarkers. You will also learn how to empower a wide range of users to access and mine unstructured medical data, bio-bank samples, and readily blend clinical trial management system data into your EHR record.
Brian will detail how Penn has successfully leveraged its "PennOmics" integrated healthcare data warehouse to accelerate clinical trial recruitment at the point of care, accept data from wearables, and do it all in a secure, HIPAA- and research-compliant fashion.