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Soren Germer, Michael Zody, Ana Bastiani-Posner

Soren Germer has been promoted to senior VP of genome technologies of the New York Genome Center. He previously served as the center's senior scientific director of sequencing operations, and before that, sequencing program manager. In his new role, Germer will lead the activities of the NYGC's sequencing and analysis teams.

Also, Michael Zody has been promoted to scientific director of computational biology of the NYGC, a new role. Zody will continue to provide scientific leadership to the computational biology team as well as lead new grants, foster partnerships, and serve as strategic scientific advisor.

In addition, Ana Bastiani-Posner has joined the NYGC as senior VP of finance and administration. Previously, she held executive finance roles at Allergan, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, and Schering-Plough.