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SeqBiome: Marcus Claesson, Paul Cotter, Brad Wrigley

University College Cork spinout SeqBiome announced its management team this week. Marcus Claesson is the company's CEO, Paul Cotter is the firm's chief technology officer, and Brad Wrigley is executive director.

Claesson is a principal investigator at APC Microbiome Ireland. He has a PhD in bioinformatics from the National University of Ireland and an MSc in bioinformatics, as well as a BSc in chemical engineering and physics, from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Cotter is head of food biosciences at Teagasc and a principal investigator with APC Microbiome Ireland, Vistamilk SFI Centres, and Food for Health Ireland. He holds PhD and BSc degrees in microbiology from University College Cork.

Wrigley has been working with several startup and spinout companies. He has more than 20 years of experience as a director, entrepreneur, investor, and CEO in government and industry, including at Accenture, Dell EMC, and Virtustream.