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Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Advisory Panel

The National Institutes of Health have appointed the initial members of the Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Advisory Panel, an expert group of outside advisors that will provide ongoing guidance and oversight of the PMI Cohort Program. The program, scheduled to begin in 2016, will build a cohort of 1 million or more volunteers that will expand our understanding of the ways to improve health and treat disease.

The initial panel members are:

  • Lon Cardon, senior vice president of alternative discovery and development for GlaxoSmithKline
  • Alta Charo, professor of law and bioethics for the University of Wisconsin Law and School of Medicine and Public Health
  • Tony Coles, chairman and chief executive officer for Yumanity Therapeutics
  • Rory Collins, head of the department of population health and professor of medicine and epidemiology for the University of Oxford
  • Eric Dishman, Intel fellow and general manager for health and life sciences for Intel Corporation
  • Alejandra Gepp, associate director for the Institute of Hispanic Health's National Council of La Raza
  • Sachin Kehterpal, associate professor for the department of anesthesiology at the University of Michigan Medical School
  • Marie Lynn Miranda, provost and professor of statistics for Rice University, and adjunct professor of pediatrics at Duke University, the University of Michigan, and Baylor College of Medicine
  • Bray Patrick-Lake, director of stakeholder engagement for the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative and director of patient engagement for Duke University's CTSA
  • Gregory Simon, senior investigator and psychiatrist for the Group Health Research Institute, and chair of the scientific advisory board for Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
  • Sharon Terry, president and CEO of Genetic Alliance
  • David Williams, professor of public health and professor of African and African-American Studies and Sociology at Harvard University