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Paul Billings

Natera has appointed Paul Billings as its chief medical officer and senior vice president of medical affairs, where he will help lead efforts across the firm's reproductive health, oncology, and new emerging businesses. Billings is a board-certified internist and clinical geneticist with more than 30 years of experience in genomics and molecular medicine, having held academic and research appointments at Harvard University, UC San Francisco, Stanford University, and UC Berkeley.

Prior to joining Natera, Billings was chief medical officer of Life Technologies, consulting CMO of the genetic sciences division of Thermo Fisher Scientific, and senior physician at Laboratory Corporation of America. He has served on the scientific advisory board of the US Food and Drug Administration, the genomic medicine advisory committee at the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the HHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genomics, Health and Society. His work formed the basis of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA).