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Oncimmune: Tariq Sethi, Matthew Luttrel, Cléa Rosenfeld

Oncimmune has appointed several members to the firm, including Tariq Sethi as CSO, Matthew Luttrell as chief commercial officer, and Cléa Rosenfeld as its head of investor relations.

Prior to Oncimmune, Sethi held the roles of chief physician scientist, VP of clinical discovery at AstraZeneca, and emeritus professor of respiratory medicine at King's College London. Prior to that, he served as VP of respiratory autoimmunity translational medicine unit at AstraZeneca, as well as professor of respiratory medicine and lung cancer at Edinburgh University. Sethi is also the founder of Galecto Biotech. He will also join Oncimmune's senior leadership team starting Oct. 1.

Before Oncimmune, Luttrell served in senior roles at Takeda. Prior to Takeda, has held roles at Novo Nordisk, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, and Shire. He will also join Oncimmune's senior leadership team starting Oct. 1.

Rosenfeld is a senior investor relations and corporate communications professional and was previously head of investor relations at Shire for 11 years.