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Nucleix: Chris Hibberd, Todd Myers, Eyal Miller, Thomas Buchholz

Nucleix has appointed several individuals in executive and other leadership roles. The firm has appointed Chris Hibbered as CEO, while Opher Shapira will become a strategic business advisor to the firm. Hibberd previously served as CEO and cofounder of Astute Medical before it was acquired by bioMérieux. Prior to Astute Medical, Hibberd was senior VP of corporate development at Biosite Discovery.

The company has also appointed Todd Myers as CFO, and Eyal Miller as general manager for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, as well as managing the firm's operations in Rehovot, Israel.

Myers previously served as CFO of Astute Medical before it was acquired by bioMérieux. Before Astute, Myers was CFO at SGX Pharmaceuticals. He was also director of finance at CombiChem.

Before Nucleix, Miller served as VP and head of the healthcare division at Stratasys. Prior to Stratasys, Miller was CEO at Common Sense. Before working at Common Sense, Miller was a senior director and general manager of Europe at Touchstone International Medical Science Co.

Thomas Buchholz, who is currently the medical director of Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, will also join the firm's board. He served a six-year term as the co-chair of the Breast Cancer Steering COmmittee of the National Clinical Trials Network at the National Cancer Institute.