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Myriad Genetics: Colleen Reitan, Lee Newcomer

Myriad Genetics has elected Colleen Reitan and Lee Newcomer to its board of directors.

Reitan has spent more than 32 years working in the Blue Cross Blue Shield system, most recently as president of plan operations for Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC), a health plan covering 16 million lives. Prior to BCBS, Reitan held several roles of increasing responsibility including executive VP and chief operating officer for HCSC and president and chief operating officer of BCBS of Minnesota. She currently serves on the boards of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals and Cricket Health.

Newcomer is a board-certified oncologist who most recently served as senior VP of oncology and genetics for UnitedHealthcare. Previously, he was chief medical officer and senior VP of health policy and strategy at UnitedHealth Group. He also served as chief medical officer at Vivius. Newcomer currently serves on the board of Cellworks Group and Intervention Insights.