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Melissa Lueke, Eric Rasmussen, Bryan Baldasare

Melissa Lueke, executive VP and CFO at Meridian Bioscience, will retire from her position effective Jan. 1, 2019. Lueke, who has been at Meridian for 20 years, will remain with the firm in a paid financial consulting role with a renewable contract of three years.

Meridian also promoted Eric Rasmussen from his role as EVP of corporate development to the position of EVP, CFO, and principal financial officer, also effective Jan. 1, 2019. Rasmussen was hired by Meridian in June of 2018, and previously served in corporate development and financial leadership roles at Lear Corporation, an automotive seating and electrical systems supplier. Rasmussen has also served on the advisory board of Exploragen, a DNA lifestyle company.

Meridian has also promoted Bryan Baldasare to the role of Chief Accounting Office. Baldasare has been with Meridian since 2000, and most recently served as Senior VP, Corporate Controller and Treasurer.