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Louanne Hudgins; Tina Cowan, and more

The American College of Medical Genetics announced five new directors to its board — Louanne Hudgins, Tina Cowan, Susan Klugman, Katy Phelan, and Amy Roberts. Each will serve six-year terms starting this month until March 2021. 

Hudgins was elected president-elect of ACMG and is a professor of pediatrics and chief of the division of medical genetics at Stanford University Medical Center. She is also director of perinatal genetics and service chief for medical genetics at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. 

Cowan will serve as a director of biochemical genetics for ACMG. She is an associate professor of pathology at Stanford and director of the clinical biochemical genetics laboratory. 

Klugman is a director of clinical genetics at ACMG. She is a professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology, and women's health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University. 

Phelan is cytogenetics director at ACMG. She also is the cytogenetics director at the Hayward Genetics Program at Tulane University, where she is an associate professor of pediatrics and program director for the clinical cytogenetics fellowship program. 

Roberts is a clinical genetics director at ACMG. She is co-director of the combined pediatrics/genetics residency training program and co-director of the maternal fetal medicine/genetics combined residency training program at Boston Children's Hospital. 

Five ACMG directors are leaving the board after completing their service. They are Greg Grabowski, Anthony Gregg, Wayne Grody, John Mulvihill, and Kathleen Rao.